
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

The Fight the Flood project initiated by Volunteer for India along with the Malabar Flood Relief Collective was designed to work on a multi-pronged approach centrally aligned with disaster management goals focused on providing holistic support to flood-affected people from rural areas of Malabar, Kerala. Volunteer groups were formed from existing volunteer databases of partnering organisations to work on different subsets of flood based disaster management.

The project was solely working on the theme of disaster management and its allied issues as most of the government and nongovernment mechanisms were focusing on curbing the COVID-19 pandemic.


Disaster Management

Project Coordinator

Ameer Salman O M




50 volunteers were equipped to make significant contributions to fighting floods in the future.

The target group or beneficiaries of this project are local, minority and underprivileged households and merchants who are affected by the regular floods hitting the area.

Ameer Salman O M
Founding Member – VFI