
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Volunteer for India is looking for competent and highly motivated volunteers to join our administrative team. Volunteers will be assigned to one of the VFI administrative teams based on their competencies and the teams’ requirements. Various administrative teams working under VFI are:

Social Media

This team will focus on creating content and design for VFI’s various social media platforms. This team will be led by a social media strategist (SMS) who creates the social media calendar and its associated attributes. A team of volunteer designers and content creators will work with the SMS according to the social media calendar.

Applications opening soon.

HR & Recruitment

The main role of this team will be acquisition of talented individuals to meet requirements under various administrative teams and projects. As well, the organization level orientation processes will be handled by this team.

Applications opening soon.

PR and Communications

This team will handle all official internal and external communications of Volunteer for India. Print and visual media relations will be handled by this team to get public recognition for the work done by VFI.

Applications opening soon.


This team maintains and manages all financial transactions made on behalf of VFI. This includes drafting budgets & tracking monthly expenses, maintaining bills, invoices, receipts and generating financial reports. Volunteers with accounting backgrounds and experiences will be given priority.

Applications opening soon.


The Operations Team is the largest team in the organization through which all teams bypass through. The tasks of the Operation Team will be extended across but not limited to: induction of volunteers, formulating the VFI Volunteer Handbook, creating standard procedures, ideation and implementation of projects.

Applications opening soon.

Research & Policy

The standard operating processes and procedures decided by the Operations Team are drafted officially by the  Research &  Policy Team. This also includes Induction Policy, Employee Policies, Volunteer Policies, Fund Allocation Policies, Social Media Policies, Organization Representation Policies , Stakeholder MOUs, Grievance Redressal Policies and Associated Acts.

This team will also initiate research to formalize volunteerism as a skill set which could be recognized, measured, and evaluated to improve the quality of volunteerism and promote volunteerism in India.

Areas of Volunteerism Research:

  1. Formalizing individual volunteerism as a skillset which could be quantified in order to recognize the efforts of the volunteer. This recognition acts as a reward which encourages more individuals to take up volunteerism as passion.
  2. Formalizing organizational volunteerism where the outputs of volunteer initiatives could be measured and evaluated. This improves the quality of volunteerism from our organization which inspires more organizations and individuals to collaborate with us in promoting volunteerism.

Applications opening soon.


The Fundraising Team's prominent role is to ensure the sufficient funds for operations of all projects and campaigning for future projects. The Fundraising Team will ensure the readiness of all fundraising assist tools including VFI's organizational profile, brochure, annual report, governing document, fact sheet, and website.

Applications opening soon.


The Partnership Team will work towards the following goals:

  • Enabling project-based collaboration opportunities
  • Connecting with other volunteering organizations across India
  • Building corporate partnerships & CSR volunteer initiatives
  • Creating partnerships with local governments for sustainability in projects

Applications opening soon.